Invited Talks
Discussant of the special issue “Towards a sustainable welfare system? The challenges and scenarios of eco-social transitions” published by the Journal Le politiche sociali at the “Authors meet critics” session of the Espanet-Italia Conference, Milan, 15 September 2023.
Discussant at the Social Policy and Society Annual Lecture 2023: Discussant of Fiona Dukelow’s Lecture “Welfare stigma, the work ethic and the welfare state: challenging and re-imagining the welfare-work nexus”, 9 June 2023
Invited speaker: “Neofaschismus in Italien? Neoliberalismus, hegemoniale Krise und progressive Alternativen”, Rosa Luxemburg Club Braunschweig, 7 November 2022.
Invited discussant at the “Political Economy Workshop”, University of Bremen, 25 October 2022
Invited speaker at the conference “Neuorientierung der Sozialpolitik Perspektiven und Sicherheit für alle” organized by Denknetz, Zürich, 3 September 2022.
Invited as external expert at the Workshop “Sustainable Welfare without Growth”, Lund University, 20 May 2022 (online).
Invited speaker: “Économisassions du social: paradoxes, dilemmes et alternatives”, SolidaritéS, February 2020, Geneva.
Keynote speaker for the plenary session “Beyond Society” of the conference “Great Transformation: On the Future of Modern Societies” of the German Sociological Association, organized by the Kolleg Postwachstumsgesellschaften, University of Jena, 23-27 September 2019, Jena.