


Laruffa, Francesco and Frank Nullmeier. 2024. A model to follow? The EU and global eco-social policyGlobal Social Policy, (online first).

Laruffa, Francesco and Rory Hearne. 2024. Towards a post-neoliberal social policy: capabilities, human rights and social empowermentCritical Policy Studies, 18(2), 207–226.

Laruffa, Francesco. 2024. “Eco-social policies, capitalism and the horizon of emancipatory politics.” Critical Social Policy, (online first)


Bonvin, Jean-Michel and Francesco Laruffa. 2023. “Public Sociology and the Capability Approach: Exploring the Potential of a Fruitful Combination” in Research Handbook on Public Sociology (pp. 42-57), edited by Lavinia Bifulco and Vando Borghi, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Laruffa, Francesco and Aris Martinelli. 2023. “Neoliberal globalization, hegemonic crisis, and the struggle for a countermovement. The case of the ‘Responsible Business Initiative’ in Switzerland”, Globalizations, 20:4, 595-610.

Laruffa, Francesco. 2023. “Making Sense of (Post)neoliberalismPolitics and Society (online first).


Bonvin, Jean-Michel and Francesco Laruffa. 2022. “Towards a Capability-oriented Eco-Social Policy: Elements of a Normative FrameworkSocial Policy and Society 21(3): 484-495. (Part of the “Beveridge Report Collections”, Special Issue “Towards a Sustainable Welfare State?”)

Canihac, Hugo and Francesco Laruffa. 2022. “From an Ordoliberal idea to a Social-Democratic ideal? The European Parliament and the institutionalization of ‘social market economy’ in the European Union (1957-2007)JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 60: 867– 884. 

Laruffa, Francesco. 2022. “The Dilemma of Sustainable Welfare and the Problem of the Future in Capacitating Social Policy”, Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 18(1): 822-836.

Laruffa, Francesco. 2022. “Studying the relationship between social policy promotion and neoliberalism: the case of social investmentNew Political Economy 27(3): 473-489, 

Laruffa, Francesco. 2022. “Neoliberalism, Economization and the Paradox of the New Welfare StateEuropean Journal of Sociology 63(1): 131-163.

Laruffa, Francesco. 2022. “Towards a post-neoliberal social citizenship?Constellations. An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory, 29, 375– 392. 

Laruffa, Francesco. 2022. “Re-Thinking Work and Welfare for the Social-Ecological Transformation”. Sociologica: International Journal for Sociological Debate 16 (1):123-51.

Laruffa, Francesco, Michael McGann and Mary Murphy. 2022. “Enabling Participation Income for an Eco-Social StateSocial Policy and Society 21(3): 508-519. (Part of the “Beveridge Report Collections”, Special Issue “Towards a Sustainable Welfare State?”)


Bonvin, Jean-Michel and Francesco Laruffa. 2021. “Disputing the economization and the de-politicization of ‘social’ investment in global social policy” In: The Struggle for Social Sustainability (pp. 73-88), edited by Christopher Deeming, Bristol: Policy Press.

Laruffa, Francesco. 2021. “Promoting social goals through economization? Social investment and the counterintuitive case of homelessnessPolicy & Politics 49(3): 413-431.


Laruffa, Francesco. 2020. “What is a Capability-Enhancing Social Policy? Individual Autonomy, Democratic Citizenship and the Insufficiency of the Employment-Focused ParadigmJournal of Human Development and Capabilities 21(1): 1-16.

Leßmann, Ortrud, and Francesco Laruffa. 2020. “Nicht nur Humankapital aufbauen: Sozialinvestitionen weitergedacht”, WSI-Mitteilungen 73 (2): 93-99.


Bonvin, Jean-Michel, and Francesco Laruffa. 2019. “Education as Investment? A comparison of the capability and social investment approaches to education policy.” In: Social policy and the capability approach. Concepts, measurement and application (pp. 19-39), edited by Mara Yerkes, Jana Javornik, and Anna Kurowska. Bristol: Policy Press.

Laruffa, Francesco. 2019. “Social welfare discourses and scholars’ ethical-political dilemmas in the crisis of neoliberalismEthics and Social Welfare 13(4): 323-339.


Bonvin, Jean-Michel, and Francesco Laruffa. 2018. “Human Beings as Receivers, Doers and Judges. The Anthropological Foundations of Sustainable Public Action in the Capability ApproachCommunity, Work and Family 21(5): 502-518.

Bonvin, Jean-Michel and Francesco Laruffa. 2018. “Deliberative democracy in the real world. The contribution of the capability approach.International Review of Sociology 28(2): 216-233.

Bonvin, Jean-Michel, Francesco Laruffa, and Emilie Rosenstein. 2018. “Towards a Critical Sociology of Democracy: The Potential of the Capability Approach.Critical Sociology 44 (6): 953–968.

Canhiac, Hugo and Francesco Laruffa. 2018. “Soziale Marktwirtschaft und Europäisches Sozialmodell: Über den Wandel diskursiver Leitbilder eines « Sozialen Europa »” In Eine soziales Europa als Herausforderung – L’Europe sociale en question, 87–116, edited by Karim Fertikh, Heike Wieters, and Bénédicte Zimmermann. Frankfurt/New York: Campus.

Laruffa, Francesco. 2018. “Social investment: Diffusing ideas for redesigning citizenship after neo-liberalism?” Critical Social Policy 38(4): 688–706.

Laruffa, Francesco. 2018. “Towards a Post-Neoliberal Social Policy? Social Investment versus Capability Approach” Momentum Quarterly – Journal for Societal Progress 7(4): 171-187.

Other publications

Laruffa, Francesco. 2023. “Eco-social policy – we need to question the premise” UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab.

Laruffa, Francesco. 2023. “The Pragmatic Case for UtopiaGreen Economy Coalition.

Laruffa, Francesco. 2021. “On the Capability to Take Care of the WorldGlobal Dialogue 11(2): 47-48

Laruffa, Francesco. 2021. “Investing in social justice?Transforming Society.